Welcome to Brainerd, MN
Jim Knudsen
call or text: 218 / 829 / 7653
You can have AMS/OIL installed at some of the businesses listed below or you can buy your AMS/OIL from the retail stores listed below.

Have AMSOIL installed in the Brainerd area at :
Mr. Tire 1 N.E. Washington Street
14245 CR 25 Brainerd, MN 218-828-3437
In Bemidji buy or have AMSOIL installed at:
Install @ Tires Plus 2525 Middle School Ave
North of Aitkin, MN you can buy your Amsoil at:
Buy your AMS/OIL in the Brainerd area at:
Auto Value 305 N.W. 4th St Brainerd
Auto Value in Pequot Lakes, Pine River and Aitkin
Ace Hardware Tyrol Hills Shopping Center, West Washington St Brainerd
Ace Hareware Staples, MN across from the Amtrack station
Ace Hardware Crosby, MN Corner of Hwy 6 and Hwy 210 downtown
Brainerd Outdoor Sports corner of Hwy 25 and Hwy 18 east Brainerd
Brother's Motorsports on Hwy 210 W across from Super 1
Hwy 3 Marine between Brainerd and Merrifield on CR 3
Deerwood True Value Hardware Hwy210/6 corner in Deerwood
Crosslake NAPA Auto Parts CR 3 and CR 11 south of Crosslake
Lightning Motor Sports Palisade, MN 46380 Hwy 169

Jim is an Independent Amsoil Dealer since 1976
Call Jim anytime for information 218 - 829 - 7653
Ive personally used Ams/oil products in all my vehicles since 1975.
I worked for Corp. Ams/oil in the late 1970's as Eastern regional sales manager.
Let me help you learn about AMSOIL and save you money as well.
Click this link below:
Ams /oil , the first and finest